Blippit Boards is an app and dashboard for Subject Leaders. It simplifies how schools gather and share learning with photos, videos and tags.
Instant charts and reports give up-to-date insights on any subject, key stage or year group combination. Blippit Boards supports governors too.
Want to learn about bespoke Blippit® Boards?
subject boards created & growing
images captured, recorded & growing
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Class teachers, SENCOs, Teaching Assistants, Senior leaders, Governors
School staff use the Blippit app to capture, tag, search, and review work on-the-go.
Filters for Key Stage, Progression Step (Wales), year group, and subjects let you quickly interpret charts and build reports to share with colleagues. Create guest access for governors, multi-school subject leads or award assessors to join things up and work smarter too.
With the Blippit app, teachers can use their device to capture images, audio, tag content, and search for work saved to the Blippit Boards wherever they are — in the classroom, around the school, learning outside, in the playground, everywhere.
Supporting specific areas like science, children with EHCPs, lesson observations, and even tailored solutions for Welsh Schools, Blippit provides the comprehensive tagging framework needed to inform your subject leaders' knowledge and awareness.