Global Neighbours

Blippit for Global Neighbours

Global Neighbours is a program that aims to deepen school pupils' understanding of global injustice and equip them to become advocates for change. The accreditation process for schools participating in this program involves monitoring and evidence gathering, and Blippit Boards is a tool that can help save a lot of time and effort in this regard.

Thanks to Christian Aid's expertise and advice, schools using Blippit Boards can easily build their Christian Aid Global Neighbours report, which includes all Global Neighbours tagged Boards. This report can be edited and added to in Microsoft Word if needed and then uploaded as part of their submission evidence. The dashboard also shows schools where your evidence is coming from and where the gaps are, so you can address any issues before the submission deadline.

"Equipping young people with the knowledge, skills and confidence to act against inequality and work towards a world free of poverty."

Global Neighbours

Top 3 uses of Blippit® for Global Neighbours

  1. promotes consistency and raises profile of work in school
  2. real-time reporting on the accreditation
  3. illustrates the full curriculum context for the work leading to accreditation

Global Neighbours leader priorities

  • makes all teachers far more aware of the mission and how they can help to present the best picture of schools
  • distributes responsibility to share the load in getting the school ready for accreditation
  • Monitor and compare key stages and year groups over time
A dashboard view

Schools undertake accreditations sparingly and because they all take time and need to ideally feed in to the school's priorities. Many church schools take part in Christian Aid's Global Neighbours programme and by default are somewhere in the SIAMS cycle too.

The dashboard allows you to see and report on cross-over in less than a minute. Christian Values is a tagging category in Blippit Boards that can be reported on in the context of Global Neighbours, SIAMS and/or the CIS (Catholic School Inspection Framework) too.

Blippit is very helpful to log in to when your curriculum and accreditations overlap across school and you need to see how / where instantly. It's easy to miss evidence that may be hidden-away in classrooms or corridors. However, with Blippit Boards, teachers and school leaders can capture evidence, tag it as different aspects of Global Neighbours, and keep track of their progress. This makes it a true team effort, and it supports monitoring and next steps to achieving this worthy accreditation.

Blippit Boards is featured in the Support, Resources and FAQ section of the official handbook for Global Neighbours
Blippit Boards features in the 2024 Global Neighbours Accreditation Handbook

If you'd like a chat or call from us please contact: