The Blippit Blog

Keep up with all of the latest updates and stories coming out this year.

March 5, 2025


But what, you may ask, can Blippit do about the eternal search for things? Well, a big challenge that we all face, with teachers being no exception, is reducing the amount of time spent looking for files of all kinds. The problem with files and directories is that they rely heavily upon teachers remembering lots of things and when you're tired with little time, sometimes, human nature means that things get forgotten. When was the last time you created a meaningful file name but didn't notice...

February 24, 2025


When you're gathering and sharing evidence, there are all sorts of 'levels' you can do it at, usually depending on how much time you have. It could be a quick chat with another teacher or subject leader in the hallway, or a more formal sit-down meeting, and everything in between. Each situation has its own 'load,' and Blippit has always aimed to make that load lighter wherever possible. Thanks to feedback from schools, we've just made it even better.

January 31, 2025


Video has been a much-anticipated addition to Blippit Boards in June/July 2024 and has taken off with schools. As hoped, video is picking up the slack where photos don't quite manage to capture what's happening and demonstrate progress in quite the same way. Feedback on the use of video in oracy, music, PE and even assemblies has been very positive. But, while watching videos is easy enough on the app and in the Blippit Dashboard for subject leaders, when it came to running subject reports...

October 16, 2024


We'll be doing this again! What an absolute delight it was to run a prize draw for schools that would directly impact children in a difficult-to-resource subject like music. This summer we added all schools who registered with Blippit Boards for trial into our prize draw and a couple of weeks later we picked two winners for the two prizes.a 12-pack of ukeleles and a 4-pack of djembe drums. We want to congratulate Mr Knight who originally joined the free trial resulting in the 1st prize win!

October 4, 2024


Blippit Boards has teamed up with Values-based Education (VbE) to help schools in England and Wales streamline evidence gathering for VbE assessments. Schools can now use the Blippit Boards app and Dashboard to manage and present their evidence more efficiently. This collaboration has also introduced a new 'Guest Access' feature, allowing assessors to view evidence directly. Just in time for the VbE Annual Conference on 18th October...