Seven ways to find your evidence

March 4, 2025

Now there are 7 ways to quickly find specific subject leader evidence for your monitoring. In each case, at the end of a search, you will land on the boards evidence timeline where you can get DOCX or PDF Report to take away.

  1. By subject
    Filter your app or dashboard timeline by a specific subject tag to see 'Any' boards tagged with that subject. This may result in a good number of 'hits'
  2. By key stage/year/subject
    Filter your app or dashboard timeline by a couple of tags to see 'Only' boards tagged with both tags. This will greatly reduce your 'resultss'.
  3. SImple search
    If you know a board title or key words in it, use the search bar to see boards that contain the keywords in the title
  4. By charts
    In the dashboard charts area, navigate to the tag category, filter by key stage, progress steps or year groups and click a segment in the chart to see boards that match those criteria.
  5. By date
    Filter by a specfic date to narrow your results right down using the date range selector in the dashboard when viewing evidence boards on the timeline or in the charts area.
  6. By person
    Use the 'Simple sort list view' on the dashboard landing page to filter work specific users.
  7. Filter by file type
    If you are searching for boards that have links to resources stored in OneDrive or Google Drive, then filter your Blippit timeline by 'Cloud-Linked Files' tags.
The Cloud-linked Files tag category
Filter by file type