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Link to your files to lighten the load

February 24, 2025

UPDATED 1st March 2025
Pressed for time? Watch this 2-minute video then head oover to Blippit Uni to see how you can save time by adding OneDrive or Google Drive links into Blippit evidence boards (watch the second video for the latest update)

Evidence and reference material is all part of helping other people to understand the context for learning. When Blippit started out, like Instagram, sharing photos was a big focus. We later added video in response to subject leaders who said that it was, for them, the best way of capturing the curriculum, particularly more physical aspects including oracy. Today, all of these evidence types are captured 'in the moment' and brought together in a Blippit board to build understandng for subject leaders of what practice looks like in school.

But, what about some of the resources that give context and show the value planning? What about the resources that underpin what's seen when you get into a colleague's lesson or that are directly used to scaffold learning? Such resources are often stored on Microsoft's OneDrive or Google Docs but ironically they can be accessible because they're tucked away. Sometimes there's evidence that captured on other platforms too, such as Tapestry for EYFS. This is where Blippit's latest 'link' feature helps to make teachers' boards become more comprehensive without doubling the workload.

Launched this month for all schools, if teachers have a paricularly relevant Word file, Powerpoint, PDF, Google Doc or even a website, it can now be added to any Blippit evidence board. With a brief description that gives context to the evidence tagged and captured,  teachers can now paste in a link to their shared resources and link files to their board on Blippit. Subject leaders, or anyone from school, can tap the link to go directly to the shared Microsoft/Google (or wherever) resource.

There's a new tagging category in the app too, called 'Cloud-Linked Files', that must be used to tag a board when a link is added to a resource on a cloud storage platform like OneDrive and Google Drive. Tagging from this category means that filtering can be applied to see all boards with a Word document in a specific subject, year group or key stage and it's just one of 7 ways that Blippit ensures you will be able to find what you're looking for in all that evidence.

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