GDPR  Privacy Notice

What is Blippit®?


Blippit® is an education & health technology brand owned by Get Logged In Ltd which is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office with details held publicly on the data protection register. Need a signed DPA? Click here.

What do we do?

We provide web-based software, apps, support, training and resources (as ‘Blippit®‘) to enhance learning in education and health settings through an app, ‘Blippit® Meds’, in partnership with Health Trusts to champion improvement in fluid stewardship.  We provide an app and dashboard solution known as ‘Blippit® Boards’ for use by school leaders, subject leaders and governors to support core statutory inspection frameworks.  We promote inclusion and support effective timely engagement with communities through social media as ‘Blippit® Social’.

What information will be shared?

At Blippit® we are not required to, nor do we ever, share data with third parties about any education or health organisation, any individual user or company in order to provide our services.  If we do use a third-party specialised service then a separate cookie consent statement is available on the rewards page.

Blippit® provides services and tools in the main across the UK.  All of our promotional product websites are based in London, England. For the delivery and management of core Blippit® services such as Blippit® Boards, we use Google Cloud infrastructure with a core file storage location in Berlin, Western Europe.

Where we partner with governments for specific projects we will meet data and performance requirements by hosting all aspects of the service within the client country.

How will my information be used?

Your information will be used to:

  • give you the correct functionality and privileges in our products
  • for billing purposes as required
  • to receive service updates and guidance email content

We process the information that you give to us at registration to provide the Blippit® service and enable billing as required. We may correct obvious type errors or inaccuracies to improve data quality.

All users/customers proactively have to agree to allow us to process data about their registration and use of Blippit® tools/services.

The lawful basis for processing personal data for free trial Blippit® Boards users comes under consent which then come under lawful basis once under contract as a purchasing organisation.  We identify a free user as a real school and potential customer on our database.  Free trial users of Blippit® Boards, for example, receive no more than a handful of emails from a real person at Blippit® Support to ensure they can make progress and get the most from their free 40 days.  To help users (administrators) unsubscribe from receiving automated emails, a link is provided in any email correspondence. Free users of Blippit® Boards will receive no more than a maximum of 8 transactional, tips or ideas emails over the 40-day free period. This will depend upon whether the school requires our support of course.

All mail lists can be unsubscribed from at any time by the recipient.

When a school upgrades to a paid account on Blippit® Boards, we use the contact data under a lawful contract basis to inform billing and service support.  All users/customers are their own data controllers who can update, delete and modify this data at any time.

We process that which you give to us directly at registration in order to provide the Blippit® service and enable billing as required. We may correct obvious typos to improve data quality or accuracy.  As a free or paid user of Blippit®, your email is used by us to send service updates, tips and guidance for using our product.

What is personal, sensitive and anonymised information?

Blippit® does not use, control or process any Special Category data as described under GDPR.

How long is your information stored?

Blippit® will only store registration and user information while you are an active user on our platform.  We will follow established best practices and completely delete your data within 12 months of your subscription ending including any work projects.  Some data users can delete whenever they need to, such as personally created or uploaded content to the Blippit® Boards app.

How will your information be protected?

Your information will only be accessible to staff directly involved with core service provision at Blippit®. Your data will not be stored outside the European Economic Area and it will be stored and used following the General Data Protection Regulation.  Special projects for governments will mean that data is stored in the country where the service is consumed and data will be stored in that country unless otherwise specified.

Further Information

If you would like more information concerning Blippit® and its work then please contact

Your rights

You have the right to remove your consent from Blippit at any point. If you do remove your consent for Blippit® to use your information then we may not be able to provide a full and efficient service that will meet the terms and terms and conditions of use requirements. To remove your consent you must contact Blippit® Support on

If you would like to request a copy of the information Blippit® holds on your school then please make your request in writing to

If at any point you believe the information that Blippit® (Get Logged In Ltd) processes regarding your school are incorrect you can request to see it and have it corrected or deleted. Where possible we will seek to comply with your request but we may need to hold or process information in connection with one or more of our legal functions such as UK revenue reporting.

If you wish to raise a complaint about how we have handled your school data, you can contact Support via  who will investigate the matter. If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are processing your personal data and not following the law you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) here.

The Data Subject has the Right to be Informed and obtain the following information, to have the opportunity to understand how and why their data is being used and that it is being handled lawfully.

Name and Contact details of our Organisation as held with ICO

We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office and are listed on the data protection register

Blippit® – (Get Logged In Ltd)
General contact information:
01772 657100
support @

Name and address details of the Representative
John Bidder john.bidder @
Coppull Enterprise Centre
Mill Lane

The Purpose of the Processing is for business interests, the necessity deriving from the need to process the information to pursue the business interests, the interests of the Data Subject do not override the business interests given the information is already in the public domain.

The Lawful Basis of the Processing being Legitimate Interest. Using Data collected from the public domain in a professional manner where there is a legitimate interest. In this instance, providing information on school-related products or services related to the job role of the Data Subject at the school. We have completed the ICO Assessment and Balance Test.

  • The Categories of Personal Data obtained are name, job title and email address.
  • The Retention Period for the personal data is until notification by post or email, that the address or recipient is no longer valid.

The Right of Access
The Data Subject has the right to obtain a copy of their personal data which must be provided within one month of the request.

The Right to Erasure
The Data Subject has the right to have their personal data erased within one month if: The personal data is no longer valid for the purpose that we originally processed it. There is no overriding legitimate interest to continue the processing. The processing is for direct marketing purposes and the Data Subject has a legitimate Right to Object.

The Right to Object – The Data Subject has the right to object to the processing of their personal data if it is for direct marketing purposes, which must be dealt with within one month. The Data Subject must give specific reasons why they are objecting, these reasons should be based upon their particular situation. This can be refused if the Data Controller can demonstrate legitimate interests for the processing, which do not override the Data Subject’s interests, rights, and freedoms.

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