SIAMS on your mind?

Keeping it all together for SIAMS

Blackburn Diocesan Board of Education

After partnering with Blackburn Diocese Board of Education, Blippit was in a position to help church schools with Blippit Boards. We'd previously took part in governor training in preparation for SIAMS Inspection and were struck by how much amazing evidence there was seemingly everywhere that was highly valuable from a SIAMS perspective. Organising it, adding value and avoiding duplication became our goal.

With the app we let our school users to get themselves on a front foot. To know with confidence what you do or don't have is liberating. Just imagine.

Headteacher Review from a SIAMS perspective

It's a new way to work smarter

  • better use of time for the SLT & RE leaders
  • streamlining the process to share good practice that benefits all, not just SIAMS
  • ‘chasing’ busy colleagues becomes a thing of the past
  • greater confidence in evidence coherence SIAMS
  • seeing and sharing the wider context of the learning

At the time, then Deputy Headteacher Finola Jackson from a Cheshire primary and now Head in a different school, shared her views on how quickly Blippit Boards was adopted. Finola's initial focus was SIAMS.

The SIAMS Blippit Dashboard

A Dashboard View

It's very easy to see which SIAMS inspection questions your school has evidence for in the dashboard's 'Board Chart Data' area. Each segment can be clicked to show the underlying SIAMS tagged boards and one click on PDF or Docx will generate your report instantly. SIAMS evidence doesn't live in a vacuum and you also get the context of each SIAMS related board at the same time.


In the dashboard's 'See All Board' area, filtering to create reports to share with colleagues or visitors is simple and intuitive. Below you can see SIAMS tags plus a couple of other categories. Filtering and reporting can give a narrow and focused view or a wider contextual view e.g. a teacher can capture and share with the intention of the focus being RE, but at the same time, SIAMS can be tagged too for efficiency.

Filtering is easy with simple ready made tags for SIAMS

Top 3 uses of Blippit® for SIAMS

  1. reporting on the 7 inspection questions as part of overall monitoring to bring all evidence together
  2. real time support of SIAMS strand gap analysis as it happens
  3. tracking of SIAMS as a golden thread running through the whole curriculum
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