We all spend rather too much time in the day 'looking for things'! Keys, glasses, the cat and much deeper things too (than a cat?) like hope, inspiration and solutions.
But what, you may ask, can Blippit do about the eternal search for things? Well, a big challenge that we all face, with teachers being no exception, is reducing the amount of time spend looking for files of all kinds. The problem with files and directories is that they rely heavily upon teachers remembering lots of things and when you're tired with little time, sometimes, human nature means that things get forgotten. When was the last time you created a really meaningful file name but didn't notice you'd popped in the wrong year, mistyped the file name or simply saved it as 'document_2.docx' ?
We'd probably all be a bit lost now without our cloud storage platforms like Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive. The flexibility they afford us all is amazing in many ways, but, it doesn't really address the big unknown variable in the room which is 'people'! So long as we've got to enter text via a keyboard, manually select folders to save files and remember our past actions beyond looking at recent documents and searching, these systems don't help teachers to piece together what they have as a whole staff.
Blippit is good at piecing things together. It allows teachers to be creative and not think about where their evidence is saved because as long as at least some tags are applied from our ready made library. Our evidence is always threaded together by the tags people use which means you never lose the thread of what's you've got as a subject leader either. Blippit doesn't stop at making it easy to find your stuff on the platform itself through instant filtering, teachers can exploit their wonderful OneDrives and Google Drives by adding links into their Boards that point directly to specific files so that no matter how a file is updated, it'll always be authoratitive.
Naturally, sometimes you can only remember roughly 'when' you gathered or saw some subject evidence and for this occasion there's a date range selector in the dashboard only to help you narrow down what you can see in front of you. Filtering by specific tag combinations really narrows things down in a flash too.
Teachers can do a search within the app or dashboard using plain English or Welsh too and Blippit will filter what's shown on the timeline in either the app or the dashboard.
Here are the 7 ways to quickly find specific subject leader evidence for your monitoring. In each case, at the end of a search, you will land on the boards evidence timeline where you can get DOCX or PDF Report to take away.
Cloud-Linked Files'