Create reports and share impact evidence in PDF or Microsoft Word format. Word reports are useful when you want to add your own additional commentary as part of feedback to a colleague or meeting.
A report's focus is dictated by
the tags you filter your timeline by and whether you have selected 'Match All or 'Match Any' (video below)
typing a keyword or initials into the search bar (video below)
There are two ways to get a report with the context you need.
Steps to creating a report
1. Go to the DashBoard and click 'Browse All Boards'.
2. Next, filter your timeline of boards to match your desired focus by selecting tags.
Click the 'Match All' filter to only see boards that contain all selected tags
Click the 'Match Any' to see boards with any of the tags selected
In our example, we want to see only boards tagged with a 'ks 2' + 'year 3' + 'mus: perform' + 'mus: play an instrument'
Click outside of the tags area and you will see only boards that match your criteria.
3. In this example, the timeline displays just on board that matches every one of our selected tags. The timeline may quite easily show 'no boards' or it may be 'many boards' when you filter to 'Match All' tags in your school account.
If you want a specific date range for your report, tap the date range menu to select it. The timeline will refresh to reflect your choice.
4. Click PDF or DOCX (Microsoft Word) depending on what you plan to do with the report. Click OK in the pop-up and check your email for a link to download your report.Links expire after 24 hours.
To get a report that contains only boards that match all of the tags you choose e.g. ks1 + maths, select 'Match All' to filter your view down. Perfect for subject leaders.
To get a report of boards tagged with, for example, Eco School , Global Neighbours or Rights Respecting Schools tags, select 'Match Any' and choose all the tags from the award/accreditation category that you can see. Perfect for award and accreditation leaders.