
Blippit for Eco-Schools

Mr Hack is a Teacher from Lammack Primary School in Blackburn where they started using Blippit Boards as an experiment in summer term two this year.  The idea was to see if they could work smarter to innovate monitoring and support their Eco-Schools Green Flag evidence gathering, monitoring and reporting effort.

Lammack Primary always want to find new ways to work smarter resulting in things such as

  • better use of time for the Eco Lead
  • removing multiple clunkier methods of getting photos to the Eco Lead (air-dropping/Google Drive image saving etc)
  • less ‘chasing’ busy colleagues
  • greater confidence in evidence coherence for the Eco-Schools Green Flag award submission
  • getting the wider context of the learning

Blippit Boards is designed to support the whole curriculum but in this case, the school wanted to look initially at Eco-Schools and next year go wider as they could see the benefits.

As with a lot of evidence gathering and monitoring activity, it’s not always an easy process as you’ll hear Mr Hack describing airdropping photos, chasing up colleagues via email, and managing a Google drive of images.

Working with Teachers is important for us to ensure we don’t in fact add to the workload.  Monitoring and submitting evidence is a big job at the best of times but as you’ll hear in the Zoom call, Mr Hack talks about how much easier to coordinate and lead this is with the use of the simple Eco-Schools tag category in Blippit Boards.

As an Eco Subject Leader, Mr Hack points out that it’s very reassuring to get iPad notifications of work evidence being captured and shared in real-time in Blippit Boards. He literally managed to re-prioritise time to his class, re-direct energy and be less stressed about how the evidence was coming together.

"I was actually supposed to have an afternoon out of class to do a learning walk but actually went to (my headteacher) at dinnertime and said I don't  think I need the time out of class because I can see it on my iPad.."

Mr. D Hack, Class Teacher & Eco-Schools Leader, Lammack Pimary School

Top 3 uses of Blippit® for Eco-Schools

  1. reporting on the 3-strands to bring all evidence together for submission
  2. real time support of Eco-Schools strand gap analysis as it happens
  3. tracking of Eco-Schools impact as part of the whole curriculum

A dashboard view

Senior leaders and the Eco-Schools lead need to see the big picture and understand which key stages, progress steps (Wales) and year groups are feeding into the evidence base required for the incredibly popular Green Flag award. 'Knowing', in this case, is preferable to 'wondering' and the dashboard provides the certainty that leaders need so that they can have evidence-based supported conversations with key stage or departments leaders.

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