Also see: Creating Reports
Filter in the Dashboard
Filtering boards makes it easier to see specific subject or key stages which you can then go on to report on, if needed.
How to know when you are filtering your view of Boards
When the icons and labels are white, all Boards are being listed for you. When they're yellow, at least one tag is being used to filter your view. To see all Boards, deselect any tags you may have applied.
Match All Tags Selected
Filtered results will need to contain ALL tags you selected. This is ideal if you want to report on, for example, KS 1 + Maths
Match Any Tags Selected
Filtered results will need to contain AT LEAST ONE of the tags you selected. This is ideal if you want to report on, for example, any boards containing any Eco-Schools tags.
Filtering in the App
Filtering here is ideal for those situations where you need to know 'on the fly' what you've got that demonstrates impact in a specific area. Any tag you see displayed has been used in Blippit Boards by your colleagues so you will always get a result if you tap that tag.
To filter in the app, tap the tags icon then tap a tag in the panel that slides up. Reset what you see by tapping the reset button.