My Boards
1. Tap your profile icon in the app to see additional features such as 'My Boards'. Ticking 'My Boards' gives you a view only of the boards you have created. Tap it again to see all boards listed. Note that the profile icon stays yellow to indicate that either 'My Boards' or 'My Bookmarks' are active.
My Bookmarks
1. Tap the bookmark icon when you're browsing Boards to adda a Board to your 'My Bookmarks' collection for quick and easy reference. Tapping it again will remove that Board. Your bookmark collection is accessed via your profile.
2. Tap 'My Bookmarks' to see only your Bookmark collection listed. Tap again to see all Boards listed. If the profile icon is still yellow then check that you have unticked 'My Bookmarks' to see all of the boards in your school.
The profile menu icon is white unless My Bookmarks or My Boards are ticked so if the icon yellow, it means one of these two things is selected and you're not seeing the whole school collection.