How can you embed Blippit Boards into your processes, and with luck, maybe even turn 'Blippit' into a verb among your colleagues? Here's some key information, phrases and examples to help you explain how Blippit not only fits but improves efficiency for Subject Leaders.
"Please can you Blippit so I can include it in my review report later?"
Introducing Blippit Boards to staff
Blippit helps Subject Leaders increase the quality of time spent on reviews and help guide their action related to monitoring to feel like they're on more of a 'front foot'.Blippit Boards takes a smart, paper-saving approach to gathering photo/video curriculum evidence. Blippit isn't about sharing with parents. It's a professional tool for teachers and Subject Leaders to use in school improvement and organisational development. (See recommended videos at the end of this article)
How evidence to support subject leader evidence monitoring gathered traditionally
In this admittedly broad example, but, the English subject leader may well focus on reviewing writing in science for one term. Previously, they'd ask everyone to send them an email with attachments, or save some photos to a shared folder, of one or two writing samples from science representing 'top, middle, bottom' or 'entering, developing, secure, mastery'. They'd print them out individually in colour, perhaps add them into Word, print, annotate & photocopy them to give out at a staff meeting. Photos might be saved in folders on the network or kept on iPads.
Academic Year -> Key Stage -> Year Group -> Term -> Subject -> Group -> Week
Photo file names would typically be a string of numbers rather than a meaninful name, as they'd usually come from an iPad, and there'd be many 'just in case' duplicate photos too. The English Subject Leader would have to open each folder over the term to see if photos had been added yet and chase colleagues if there weren't any. Each photo would have to be opened, reviewed, and correctly interpreted. The weight of joining the dots would fall to the Subject Leader who'd send follow-up emails or grab a word in passing. Some teachers may have tried to help by putting their photos into a Word file and even by adding a description. The saved Word document name would likely obfuscate what it contained. The English Subject Leader would need to review these Word files too and synthesise them in their own way.Until the subject leader manually checked and opened every folder and Word document, they couldn't know if they had any evidence gaps or where they would be. Tracking these gaps and following up with those staff would take the subject leader right up to the deadline and result in uncomfortable chasing.
The opportunities Blippit brings
Blippit is a clean slate for evidence gathering. It lets the subject leader focus on the evaluation and be proactive in how they make sure that they can support everyone as needed to help them complete their overall task. With Blippit, the previously described example activity, would run something like this:
The English subject leader lets everyone know that their review focus this term is on writing in science and they need samples across the range from every year group. They ask teachers to look out for writing evidence in science books and just Blippit with the app when they spot it.
"Please tag your boards so I can run my writing reports and include it all. No tag means it'll not be in my report! Tag with KS, Year, teacher assessment, science & writing. If you've any videos linked to oracy in science they'd be a bonus but don't worry if not! Add a bit of context so the photos make sense too thanks!"
As teachers capture evidence and publish it in Blippit, notifications go out so that the English Leader and everyone else can see when someone has added their evidence in a board. The tags added by teachers are pre-made to rule out typo's and save time. A Subject Lead can edit anybody else's board to supplement or add to the tags already used. Photos and videos are presented in a slideshow, so photo file opening and closing are kept to a minimum.
Using a simple filter, the subject lead can see a timeline of curriculum evidence that matches 'science' and 'writing'. Now filtered, the Subject Lead chooses to get a PDF or Docx report in one single file of everything they need to review. In the case of a Docx version (Word), they can edit it by adding strengths and areas for development before sending it out to teachers.
Subject Leaders can see any gaps in their evidence base as it expands via the dashboard charts in real time, and they can take steps to support teachers before the deadline arrives. QR codes are placeholders for videos in the reports, so they can be watched via the end report, app, and dashboard.The photocopier is not needed!
Subject Leaders must own Blippit for benefits to be felt
For all staff to 'Blippit' (verb) as a matter of course, the key is Subject Leaders adopting Blippit as the vehicle through which people share curriculum evidence. Creating a couple of model boards is always a good idea to share with teachers when introducing Blippit.sharing their focus and giving an example of what 'useful contextual written info' looks likesaying which tags (as a minimum) they need teachers to add for reports to worksaying what they don't want teachers to be doing anymore with photos e.g. saving them somewhere on the network
Added value
Aside from time, resource, and energy savings, it is worth saying that Blippit plays a role in also giving school additional context when when pursuing an accreditation or quality framework award. Blippit has partnered most recently with Values-based Education, UNICEF UK's Rights Respecting Schools Eco-Schools, and Christian Aid's Global Neighbours resulting in free ready-to-use tags.If you're a school in Wales, then you will know that the Curriculum for Wales is also supported in English and Welsh by Blippit Boards. It is worth highlighting this to teachers and agreeing on the use of the English language or Welsh language tags to have a coherent data picture in the dashboard.
Watch: Quick-start video guide for Blippit Board Admins
Watch: Quick-start video guide for Blippit Boards Users
Visit: Blippit Uni is a collection of self-help articles that are illustrated or have video included
Watch: An introduction to the concept of Blippit Boards (YouTube)