The Blippit Blog

Keep up with all of the latest news and stories coming out of Blippit this year.

August 14, 2023

Big improvements have been made to the Blippit Boards app including bug fixes. Thank you to everybody in schools for the invaluable feedback that helped contribute to version 2.1.1 which is now available in the app stores AND as a brand new laptop and Chromebook compatible version too! We're so pleased to 1. save subject leaders even more time and 2. welcome more schools to Blippit Boards where iPads are rare or in use by the children (can you imagine!?)

April 28, 2023

Before you read this post (starting with the table of contents), we need to tell you that this was written entirely by an AI as an experiment to see what the tool would write when given the following rules. INSTRUCTION: Write a blog about How Blippit Boards helps schools monitor outdoor learning (because it can)‍ GOAL: For the reader, who will be a school teacher, to register for a trial with Blippit Boards‍ TONE: Positive‍ Word count: 1000 VERDICT?

February 8, 2023

Blippit Boards is used by school subject leaders nationally to capture, monitor & report on specific subjects including SIAMS, British Values, Eco-Schools and many more. It keeps things organised, contextualised and meaningful so that you benefit from greater insights and reduced workload. In a recent Ofsted inspection (January 2023) Blippit's workload-reducing benefits were recognised as were its governor benefits.This month we've now added the ability for Catholic schools to use Blippit Board

January 13, 2023

To boost your stock of the most precious consumable in school, between now and the end of summer term 2023 we've come up with an idea to make the idea of a Blippit Boards Zoom demo stick in people's heads!When you book a 20 min Zoom demo with us at your school will be entered into a monthly draw to win a nice big pack of 25 Pritt Sticks too. Our demo will show you how Blippit Boards saves time and energy for you as subject and school leaders. These demos are popular beca

December 9, 2022

If you're trialling or using Blippit Boards just now, you should have received two updates by email letting you know about the new core tag categories that went live last week.Subject leaders had fed back to us in demos that this would be well received and VERY useful to help them get more detailed insights for core subjects. We're glad to say that the updates have been enacted and are in use already!Not got started yet? No problem. Visit